Geeks4Mac is committed to respecting your privacy and recognizing your need for appropriate protection and management of personal information you share with us (the phrase "personal information" means any information by which you can be identified, such as your name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, etc.). The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you what personal information we may collect from you, how we use such information, and the choices you have regarding our use of, and your ability to review and correct, the information.
Collecting Information
Geeks4Mac employees will not access any personal identifying or financial information within the customer's device which is outside the scope of the repair without the customer's prior knowledge and consent. With the introduction of the T2 security chip in Macs made after 2018 this requires access to your Mac password in order to temporarily disable default security locks imposed on the system that will prevent us from properly diagnosing and repairing your Mac. If the request for your password is refused we may be unable to perform any repair or diagnosis for repair on your system. Any information collected by us across our communication systems (phone, website, chat, et al) are securely stored within our system for the purpose of repair execution and management and will never be sold or provided to any third party, outside of legal verified court warrants. We do, occasionally, send out important or helpful information to our customers, but such messages can be opted out of at any time.
Unauthorized Access
Geeks4Mac will only perform a repair on a computer that is legally owned by the customer. Only those computers presented to the Geeks4Mac by the authorities with the appropriate legal order will be examined without the customer's expressed consent. Geeks4Mac reserves the right to reject any computer repair whose ownership is suspect. If Geeks4Mac suspects a computer brought in for repair is stolen property, it is Geeks4Mac's legal responsibility to report this suspicion to the appropriate authorities.
Information Storage
Geeks4Mac employees will never copy any personal information, software or files which are outside the scope of the repair without the customer's prior knowledge and consent. All backups of personal information, software or files that are made in the duration of the repair are destroyed once the customer's computer is returned to the customer, unless otherwise directed by the customer. In the event that the customer directs Geeks4Mac to back up certain information, only those folders to which the Geeks4Mac technician is specifically directed will be backed up. Geeks4Mac will never, under any circumstance, search customer file folders to find a specific file or file type. To protect both the customer's privacy and Geeks4Mac's legal responsibility, Geeks4Mac relies upon the customer to direct the technician to the exact folder the customer wishes to be backed up.
Policy Changes
If we decide to change our privacy policy in whole or in part, we will inform you by posting a notice on our web site ( Those changes will go into effect on the date posted in the notice. The new policy will apply to all current and past users of our services and will replace any prior policies that are inconsistent. This policy was updated September 2020.